Painting, the genre that artist Park Tae-kyu has long been devoted to, has allowed for the sustained attitude and actions that characterize his work. His ability to evoke the fundamental emotions of painting is something uniquely possible for him. The phrase "History that is not remembered is repeated," now commonly used, suggests that as long as this phrase remains relevant, the artist will continue to hold onto his brush. History is shaped by people, and people, in turn, become valuable within the framework of a just history. Observing an artist who paints for people makes the expression "An artist is a vessel of the times" resonate more clearly.
Finally, whether in society or art, the notion of questioning and reflecting on our era should not be dismissed as "tedious" or "outdated." Rather, now more than ever, we should hope to engage in these concerns together and work toward solutions collectively.
-The text by curator Ko Young-jae regarding the 2015 "Theater Exhibition"