전상보 작가는 전남대학교 미술교육과와 동대학원을 졸업하고 목포에서 거주 활동 중이며, 생명평화미술행동 연안환경미술행동에 지속적으로 활동 중이다. 그리고 나무숲, 한동아리, 광주시각매체연구회 회원이며, 인권과 평화를 위한 문화예술공장의 대표작가이기도 하다.
Artist Jeon Sang-bo graduated from the Department of Art Education at Chonnam National University and its Graduate School. He currently resides and works in Mokpo, where he actively participates in the Life and Peace Art Action and the Coastal Environmental Art Movement. He is also a member of Namusup, Handong Club, and the Gwangju Visual Media Research Association, and serves as a leading artist at the Cultural Arts Factory for Human Rights and Peace.
신어류 출현 | 1400x900 | 흑산도 연안환경미술행동 | 2022